Sliced Dried Beef

Buy "Sliced Dried Beef" Deals

You are interested in Sliced Dried Beef You come right!! Great Sliced Dried Beef Product is low prices and top quality Guarantee!!

By Brand: Habbersett
Asin Product: B003F7GC0M

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"Sliced Dried Beef Reviews"

"Sliced Dried Beef" Detail

  • Main ingredient for creamed chipped beef on toast
  • Three recipes printed in package
  • Convenient 3oz packages
  • Can be stored in freezer till needed
  • Shipped via UPS express

"Sliced Dried Beef" Overview

We ship you an entire box containing twenty-four (24) three (3) ounce packages of this Philadelphia culinary delight. Besides the most popular recipe for Creamed Dried Beef (on toast of course) each package includes a recipe for Dried Beef Roll-Ups & Dried Beef Dip; you'll want to try them all. Convenient 3oz packages enable you to prepare dried beef recipes for one person or a crowd. Sealed pouches should be frozen till needed.
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